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May 2010
Has your ear heard of the giants?    
They live above all day.  
Along the sky they travel  
On Cloud to make their way.

Has your eye seen of their walking sticks?
They are so sturdy and so tall.
Pine are for the biggest ones.
The Birch are for the small.

Has your tongue tasted their wondrous drink?
You'll know when the grey clouds rain
When they loose a drip of wine,
A water drop we gain.

Have you feared when a Giant sleeps?
A race of the heart when it grows black
Along they lay; they rest together
Forever on their backs.

Have you sensed the Giants watch?
Their eyes are what you call a star.
They're always there, to keep you safe,
The giants know where you are.
Catie Lien
Written by
Catie Lien
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