If you stare deeply into my eyes You'll see the ruins of my life go up in flames You'll see the broken path and the many deaths that led me straight to God My path is shaken and still beaten but I have my hope You'll see many beer bottles and a creek full of tears My fishing hook in my brother's cheek from the time I threw my line back Crying on the couch with momma for the uncle whose tires will never run the gravel Wearing white to the grandpa I never knew You'll see my naive and innocent self dressed in white to represent Heaven Because isn't that where everyone is going? You'll see everyone else dressed in black to represent death How can they be so negative? You'll see the time I almsot drowned in Oklahoma but my daddy reached out and saved me You'll see my beautiful ranch out here in Texas where I did most of my raising Born and raised and **** sure proud You'll know why I bounce when I walk For that dumb man hit me and ran with his ol' car My many insecurities and fears, oh you'll see them all You'll also see a world where everyone is loved But this world doesn't exist- it's in my heart A world where we all love each other because that's what the Bible says But we sin anyways because we're human We'll give our hand to someone in need Bathe in the freshest and cleanest of water So pure you can smell it while hearing the water whoosh A world where everyone smiles, a real smile Where we can all be equal and happy. I'm still dreaming the dream of my little innocent heart. Let me dream a beautiful dream even if it's somewhere faraway.