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Aug 2015
I AM the True Vine, and My Father is thy Vinedresser* Every Branch in Me that doesn't Bears Fruit He Prunes, that it may Bear more Fruit* You're already Clean because of the Word which I have Spoken to Thee* Abide in Me, and I in You. As the Branch cannot Bear Fruit of Itself, Unless it Abides in thy Vine, Neither can thou, Unless Thou Abide In Me* I am thy Vine, Thou are the Branches. He who Abide in Me, and I in Him Bears much Fruit, for without Me Thou can do nothing. * If anyone doesn't Abide in Me, He is Cast-Out as a Branch and is withered, and they gather them and Throw them into the Fire, and they are burned* If thou Abide in Me, and My Words Abide in Thee, thou will ask what thou Desire, and it shall be Done for Thee* By this, My Father is Glorified, that thou Bear much Fruit, so thy will be My Disciples* As the Father Loved Me, I also have Loved Thee* Abide in My Love* If thou Keep Thee Commandments, thou will Abide in My Love, just as I have kept My Father's Commandments and Abide in HIS LOVE* These things I have Spoken to Thee, that My Joy may Remain in Thee* and that Your Joy may be Full* This is My Commandment, that Thou Love One Another as I have Loved Thee* Greater Love has no One than this, than to Lay-Down One's Life for His Friends* Thou are My Friends, if thy do whatever I Command Thee* No Longer do I call thee Servants, for A Servant doesn't know what His Master is Doing, but I have called Thee Friends, for all things that I Heard from My Father I have Made Known to Thee* Thou didn't Choose Me, but I Chose Thee and Appointed Thee that thou should Bear Fruit, and that Thy Fruit shoulD Remain, that whatever thou ask thy Father in My Name, He may Give Thee* These things I Command Thee, that thou Love One Another. If thy World Hates Thee, Thou Know that it Hated Me before it Hated You* If thou were of the World, thy World would Love its Own. Yet because thou are not of the World, But I Chose thee Out of thy World, therefore thy World Hates Thee* Remember thy Word tha I Said to Thee* A Servant is not Greater than His Master. If Thou Kept My Word, thou will Keep Yours also* But all these things thou will do to Thee for My Name's Sake, Because thou do not know Him Who Sent Me* If I had not come and Spoken to them, they would have no Sin, but now they have Excuse for their Sin* He who Hates Me, Hates My Father Also* If I had not done among Them thy Works which no One Else did, thou would have no Sin, but now thou have Seen and also Hated Both Me and My Father* But this happened that thy Word Might be Fulfilled which is Written in Their Law* They Hated Me without a Cause* But when the Helper Comes, whom I shall Send to Thee from thy Father, the Spirit Of Truth who Proceeds from thy Father, He will Testify Of Me* And thou also will Bear Witness, because thou have been with Me from the Beginning  

May GOD Almighty Enriched Our Days Ahead IJMN* JAH JEHOVA* MIMO*
GOD Is Our StrEngth
GOD Is Love
* GOD With Us*
GOD Bless
Bless And Awesome Morning To Ours All In All IJMN
*GOD First
John Kore Ajibola
Written by
John Kore Ajibola  Nigeria
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