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Aug 2015
I always thought that the best present anyone could be was breakfast in bed. But, the real best is seeing your smile, as I get to your house really early in the morning. Without telling you a word, I pick you up spin you around and kiss you on the way down. You blush and smile, as I drag you to the car.
"where are we going!?" you yell as we get to the car.
I stay silent and smiling as I put you in the passenger seat, and drive off with you.
After a while I tell you that I am going to make your day as special as mine was yesterday. We reach our destination, Lebanon.
You look a little queer, at the situation. "How is this as special?"
I just smile at the question. We get to our parking spot, and start walking towards the woods.
We walk on as many trails as we can, then decide to go off a few of the trails. only for a minute ;)
Until, hours into the journey, after passing it multiple times, we stop at the cabin we had our first date. Sitting down, I make sure you sit on the blanket I brought with me. We look out at the lake, and we kiss. Permanently making this one of my favorite spots in the world. We finally get on the path back towards my car, and I stop you. You instantly remember this spot, and you lean up against the tree, almost thanking it for all the wonderful times after that day, over a year ago.
I lean an as I tell you, this is the most perfect day, I've had sense the first time we got to this spot, on this trail.
We finally depart, as you think we are going home, and get in the car. I walk past the car, and towards the trunk. I open it up and pull out two giant towels, and our swimsuits. "I'm not letting you go yet."
Blushing again, you get out of the car, and change into your swimsuit. latching onto me I throw both myself and you into the freezing water. Like a leach you latch onto me, as we get out of the water because its so cold.
We finally make our way home. Although I wish I could have made this day better, you think that I did a perfect job of making your day happy.
That One Guy
Written by
That One Guy
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