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Jan 2010
Storms of oblivion cloud my mind

As I battle to moor my inner conscience

Life was once an abundance of hope

Defeated & beaten by reckless dreams.

Embittered storms that ravage seas

Darkened clouds that strike with fear

With lowered heads we fight in vain

But waters always find a flaw.


Deep inside and further down

Visions of guilt burn through my mind

Release the pain in a barge of gold

But left to sail these waters alone.

Confused I wait upon my berth

Entangled doubts that weave my mind

Careless I drift alone and forlorn

As I battle the waves that engulf my soul.


Thursdays child was marked from birth

But shoes of stone have held him back

In a struggle of life that ponders deep

Where waters flow and never cease

Desperate times bring wish well friends

Brazen words and reckless deeds

Consume a passion that passes time

Yet plates lay bare & casks run dry.
Written by
Pete Marshall
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