They call me Insane. A profane past inflicted brutal wounds that are so deep and hollow, It causes one to lose hope in the occurrence of a Tomorrow. With cold hands, my core had been ripped open so wide That it could never be “stitched up”- Pieces of flesh and spirit that never will be placed back together; There existed no ‘Band-Aid’ that could cover up; No method of rehabilitation to make up what I had lost- What was taken away from me, by force, had ran its course, Now I am done - Damaged and shunned, Maybe this time Evil has won. But I remember the days of that profane past; Memories of your voice, and the shadow that you cast. My eyes were open, and we felt my heart beat, In that time, I was still alive. So I know. I know that I will never be the same; I am deformed, remolded, dismantled by pain, And yet they call me Insane, Because I pointed in your direction when they asked, “Who is to blame?”