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Aug 2015
I went to your job to see you and to give you a rose. Walked in and I didn't see you. I bought a can of Coke and waited patiently nervously for you. Time past and you didn't come in. Yet I still waited. Hoping you would appear at any moment. Couldn't wait there any longer. My Coke was empty soon after I sat down and began to wait for you. I went up to the man behind the bar and asked, "Is [  ] going to be here today?" "No. She's going to be here on Sunday." "Okay." I put the rose onto the bar. "Can you give this to her?" "I'll make sure she will get it." "Thanks."

I hoped that he texted you and told you, you have a rose waiting for you. I hope you got it. I'm unsure what to do. Either go back and see you and tell you I was the one who gave you the rose. Or just let you think I'm just a secret admirer of yours.
Richard Javier Martinez
Written by
Richard Javier Martinez  35/M/Boise, Idaho
(35/M/Boise, Idaho)   
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