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Aug 2015

There are;
1,500 newspaper's
1,100 magazine's
9,000 radio station's
1,500 t.v station's
2,400 publisher's

And 272 Executive's
That control 90 percent of what 277 million
American's SEE, HEAR, and READ!!!!!!

©Facebook quote
I looked all this up and found out the top six companies who own the media and time warner is one of them with five others they own all networks on TV they own Disney which BTW Disney is one of the six.. Here's list of all six
Owned by all rich men part of higher societies like bilderburgs and freemasons all proven factual
#1- time warner- owns lots of stations
#2- walt Disney- go figure lol
#3- Viacom
#4- news corporation
#5- CBS
#6- NBC

You gotta go online look up six corps that run media and see all channels they own so on they own sports they own it all... And putting out alot of lies on CNN even fox news which I sometimes watch and I still watch CNN though dont like to because all lies they tell and people high up pull their wicked strings. Also MSNBC liar's.. CBS liar's NBC liar's... None truthful Maby then select few who higher people above news station has these good people who fell what news and media are doing and not letting out all truth on gvt secrets and what really is happening is the world and wars and our own gvts plan for all of u... So people like mine beloved Glenn Beck I like alot predicted years ago before Isis he said there would be an Islamic rise called a caliphate ( also known as Islamic new world order ) that the Islamic Isis wanted to create just like the terrorist group Muslim brotherhood who funds al queda which BTW funny thing about that lol
Our own Mr obama has invited many times people who have connections to Muslim brotherhood or ties also meaning with terror groups to speak and pray at white house? While they take away prayer in school? Really!! Wake up world and America who Mr President is .the veils being torn open as he's showing himself now to others ..people by millions are having dreams by the millions of obama chipping people!! Forcing his new order which will come very shortly in mine opinion and millions of other quote-crazies lol. People are dreaming of the press... By countless numbers of him ruling and killing... As I've seen native American chief online talk about his dream of obama u should all look up chief and Obama dream. Look up to on YouTube peoples end times dreams with our president !!smmmm yeah by the millions friends!!! wake up.. Bible talks of this
Revelation 13:16-17King James Version (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name
That's revelation 13: verses 16-17 as obamas own health care ironically passed before court oh the land passed another law....side by side this happened... And in Obama's new care for health it is stated for all to receive electronic device to be implanted in those by 2017.... Which is mark of beast.... The Antichrist other words... Think I'm nuts? Look it up everyone is figuring if out... As I heard pastor I like tell his congregation on TV he was on a plane. And he met an athiest on plane telling the pastor which BTW the man who said this to the pastor also works as gvt health  care person under Obama. And the man told pastor quote- obamas new health care has in line right now to chip everyone according to his new law. Which matches all facts on RFID chip ready by or before 2017!!! It's shown on YouTube people meaning test subjects getting it put into them by needle its injected between fingers in hand. Also bible stated in forehead it will be to.. It's the mark of a man 666.. Meaning antichrists number for him... This is happening people and soon will.. I've read a statement just this year of a congressmen saying in article All congressmen and political peeps are taking money outta banks now as we speak. And it's all about to crash as jewish tradition states this is year of shitzvah. And year of shitzvah all times its happened like 9/11 destruction example! If means economic crash!!!! Wake up... Chips are coming... Antichrist I believe dearly is here with his false prophet the pope to bring all religions together as he's doing.. As these false media. Lenders . are lying not giving noone truth! And when truth is spoken there fired... Wake up!!!!!! Which BTW gvt meaning president had a law now to be able to tell what the media can post on TV and articles and what not!!!!! What a scam!!!
brandon nagley
Written by
brandon nagley  Ohio,USA..
     Earl Jane and brandon nagley
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