TinMan down Frowned On the ground What happened Didn't happen But the brown Turned to BLACK Slacked into lack.
Feelings reeling Heart burst Like glass Splintered into ash Nomad crawling Sprawling Couldn't feel the grass.
Can't count minutes Thru hours Stretched to DAYS The silence of no contact Howling in the wind Stillness so BLACK Cutting like a knife.
Nomad finally mounting Getting to his knees 13 DAYS no contact To black to see the sun A crack of light Screaming Beaming Like music Mona Lisa breathing Chuckling Teasing Nomad to his feet Hearing a heart beat Seeing the moon's silvery glow It all begin to flow 13 days of Black Absolutely no contact Worse than dead Nomadic shook his head Mona Lisa said Honey, come to bed.