I can't see you I've been looking forever but I can't seem to- My air seems to be running out I can't see you It's in my eyes and my vision is turning- I know you're down here I can feel it But I can't see you I swam to far down I can't seem to get back to the top fast enough I'm surrounded by water I can't breathe Help Help me I need you I'm looking and Im searching I'm trying I really- I'm running out I can't see you I can't hear you But i can hear I can hear the screams They haunt me at night I can feel the splashing water hitting my face and blinding my eyes My body only seems to know how to float I'm trapped I want to swim to you but it's like something is holding me back I can see you I can see you know You're screaming to me Muffled by the water crashing and I see the bubbles come up when you speak And I try to dive in but something is holding me back not mentally but physically I try my best to reach you but you keep sinking down I'm being pulled up and you're being tugged down There's alarms in the distance I can hear them I can hear everything now The sirens The screaming The thunder The waves crashing rapidly My eyes are blurry and it's like I'm being spun around a thousand times and I have to shut my eyes because it's to much And now I can't see you