I patiently wait Beneath the Hospital cot Holding onto Maitreya Buddha for Release from death's Hypnotic kaleidoscope Eyetwitchings.
Afternoon light flows thru The ivory curtain and Winter's soft dress Appears in lacklove phantoms, Gayatri Mantra clanging like distant bells of Mont Saint Michel Pilgrimage Toward Roseflower India! Bringing me back to memories I never First experienced.
This mind waltz calligraphy of FLASHTHOUGHT Scripture for dawn insanity! Day opening her mouth and breathing Cold vacuums of the universe, Groggy dew of frontlawn grass in November.
"Om bhur bhuvah svah Tat savitur varenyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi Dhiyo yo nah pracodayat"
Samsara: the non-reality hornets nest, DISTRACTING those in the garden! Wirey battery powered mammals, Spring loaded elephant's Cacophony weepings That existence has become so Ordinarily material and !LackSpectacular! Even the zoo animals realize this!
Butterflies lacking mental stimulation Hovering Vancouver unknown to their own emptiness. institutionalized populace (continental) Voluntarily part of mass electroshock execution. Soldierly blood is ink for the warpoets Who will fight back with automatic language fired at the man behind the mask! Till the last mad writer types Their last mad verse.