A gentle old man had asked me once, do you want to see the past? I looked at him with long disbelief, and asked how long it would last.
He gave me a laugh, and lit a cigar, and then he said, come with me... We entered a room with many locked doors, and he had the only key.
As he unlocked the doors, I looked inside, to a past I saw was mine. I was smoking, drinking, and getting ******, and I thought everything was fine.
With a tear in his eye, he looked at me, and he said with a sullen stare. I'm sorry my son, it hurts me a lot, but I really must do what is fair.
Now that you have seen your past, you must tell me what is to come. If the present don't change, the Devil you'll see, and I really must hope... you will run.
And so I had left him there, to lock all his doors in peace. I told him I'd change, in all of my ways, if he could renew my lease.
He said it wasn't his to renew, and only I could make that choice. It's time to live the life God gave, he said in a quiet voice.