If I tell myself that I don't care anymore it saves me the guilt of burdening people with this illness lurking in the depths of my soul it saves me the stomach aches that manifest whenever jealousy decides to creep underneath my skin causing tingly, warm sensations to fester so willingly and it saves me the hate that I have for myself because I know I will be responsible for taking my own life someday If I tell myself that it doesn't matter anymore I'm able to breathe again because maybe I've forgotten how to after all of these years of rapid heartbeats and shortness of breath And if I am able to forget about everything that happened in my past then these scars are only as real as the blood on my skin only as visible as their own pasts But if I didn't care and it didn't matter and I was able to forget then my strength would only be as strong as my ever-changing imagination that everything can be perfect My story would only be as powerful as the wet grass after a thunderstorm that has ripped through a field changing one type of day to a different one. So for now, I will rest and dream and realize that forgetting is really remembering the pain that caused you to never want to keep any memory that had the ability to tarnish new ones.