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Jul 2015
I'm bathed, I'm ablazed, mine psyche is now unleashed, from the blood bath and the beast's. Expand of mine appendage's, flapping like pinion; as if a man who hath none care's none more. I shalt explore, the sites shalt stun me in awe, an empress shalt meeteth me under the mardi gras, festive, me and mine amour shalt be, as festive color's wilt be seen, silk and lace to unstring, as two structural beam's, tying the not with one ring....a wedding made for only those to be invited, as me and her....

Art the main guest's....

Β©Brandon nagley
Β©Lonesome poet's poetry
For no woman lol don't have any... Sad I gotta even explain this lol just for those who think for someone. It's all hopes
brandon nagley
Written by
brandon nagley  Ohio,USA..
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