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Jul 2015
you end up where i am.
you dont know how you got there.
youre starved and youre weak
like youve been walking for days.

i have some food set up.
at the bottom of a lake.
we make our way to it
i move the water with my mind.

you eat and you feel better.
youre strength returns to you.
youre mind returns to you
but the food it isnt real.

its what i put into your mind
at the bottom of a lake.

we talk of how weve been.
youve been so lost without me.
this is what you feel
but these emotions are not real.

im feeling weak
you start to see
the ugly in my face.

i force with all my strength
the love i send into your head.

you start to shake
convulse and sweat
my eyes are rolling white.
im absent.

your skin starts
to crack with heat
you scream
i wake
and you ignite.

your heat is white and floating
and youre floating above me.

i forced love in your mind
and were quieted by the lake.
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