Sarah You wanted me to make you a poem I asked you if you wanted it to rhyme And you replied "Whatever you think is best"
I stopped myself from arguing with you and making you have to decide I need to stop myself more often from arguing with you I've always had a hard time stopping It really wasn't my thing But this poem is about you not me So I'll just continue with you
An eight year old little girl Light brown hair and dark brown eyes Huge eyebrows and a cute little smile A little angel but not afraid to throw a punch Can always make me laugh Even when I don't want to You are wise beyond your years and you have no clue
You are still so young and you have a lot to learn This world is rough And the road ahead is tough But I know you'll pull through Because that's what you always seem to do
You're a tough little girl who can deal with pain But also has a soft side and will dance in the rain You are my little sister and will forever be my main
And in case you didn't notice I wrote half in rhyme and half in not So I hope you like this and if you come back later have a tater tot Oh oops I'm sorry I forgot You hate tater tots I guess that makes me a felon But make sure you come back and have a slice of some watermelon
My sister wanted me to write her a poem and so this is what I came up with