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Jul 2015
i know that you wanna take me some place special in you
But why does this walk feel so lonely?
Why does it feel as though everyone is my opposition?
Feels like in every situation im losing
I know i must aline myself with your plans being that i dont have one but just gibe me signs to let me know im not alone in this fight
God i pray that you surround me with people who have a common goal in mind
People that will give me godly advice and propel me to my destiny
God i ask that you aid me in being a difference maker, because i realize that i can make a difference in so many people's lives.
It feels as though when im at my lowest point thats when i can hear him the most
But what about when im on a high
Do i still hear his voice?
Do i choose to listen or do i tune him out?
Because in order to affective i cannot have selective hearing
Written by
Matthew  South Jersey
(South Jersey)   
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