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Jul 2015
A darkened shadow
cast upon her spirit
restrains all happiness
from ever taking hold

She fights back the monster
Holding onto hope
But the darkness spreads
And she slowly surcumbs

A single hand comes to her
A hand shrouded in light
It grabs hold of her ****** wrist
And brings her back to life

She cringes at the brightness
Shivers at the warmth
She looks at the face that saved her
But sees that there is none

Beyond her eyes someone watches
Careful not to be seen
The very soul that rescued her
From darkness' very seem

She wanders aimlessly
Looking for a home
She bumps into her savior
Who she knows not of

He takes her in
Gives her shelter for the night
She says she'll leave in the morning
But he puts up a fight

He tells her to stay with him
That he will keep her safe
For the darkness still looks for her
To consume her body and fate
Lunisa Alexandria Heart
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