Where's my heart it's not there anymore From the outside of my body to the very core It's red shiny and beats only for you I can't find it so i have to pursue I give up I'd be better off without it Ruining my life causing trouble and **** I stopped looking for my red shiny heart Because I know I'll do better if we are apart My insides are burning waiting for its return Just for my my emotions to stop I'll just take the burn Suicide and depression has nothing on this torture Those two things just take up a quarter No more thoughts I have to find what's apart of me The missing piece Because it's the only key Without my heart my body stay at lurch I need to hurry and start this search I looked under bridges and roads ugh It took so long I even started looking in toads After a long search I finally found where it was It was broken and the one person it beats for was the cause My heart I was missing was under a sack The bad part about it is that I don't want it back.