You tell the class that my brother and I speak in our Native Tounge at home
You make it seem as if there is a hidden languge my race hide inside our homes our streets
The way you make it out Blackness is a secret club and to join you must know the code
But let me explain something, When I speak to my family I speak with the same education, with the same **** accent and cadence than I do with my white brothers
I am not putting up any act of being more than I am just because I'm with you white folk, Except maybe when I talk to white folk like you because then I have my child friendly gloves on because there must be something really ****** stupid with you that you would say to my face that I am putting on an act when talking to my 'betters'
Lady, you aren't any better than I am If anything you seem a little stupid in the head Because to let yourself think you know anything about the life of an African American woman -
When you grew up in a rich *** neighborhood and have never had to deal with people treating you as a lesser race because of the colour of your skin-
Woman I had no idea people could be that out of touch with the world around them.
You say I speak to my daddy with a certain lilt in my tone because I can but away the act I'm playing day by day because i has to be an act, doesn't it? I can't just be an woman with dark skin who cares about the world she lives in, who wants to learn all she can to help those around her,
That act has to come with a costume that I hang up at the end of the night makeup that gets smeared off and run down the drain
You say I speak to me mama at home with shortened sentences, accents and s's where they shouldn't be In a loud voice that the white folks down the street can hear