the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder poem is a strange animal
with lines monosyllabically short and then perilously freakishly faulknerically long but not to worry
the trick is to ***** around with the readers' heads a bit let them wonder what's going on get them used to obnoxious departures sudden jolts of expression devious detours into obscenity, indecency
these are the tourette's moments of a poet's creative life: a move to keep those with the attention span of an infant gnat awake alive responsive
some may expect poetry to take them down safe bland routes: a snowfall enhanced by red robins perched on a rustic fence
a lake with canoeing lovers cooing in a shimmering moment
heartfelt elegies quaint quatrains hip haikus
but can these images really keep you entranced?
well, can they?
it isn't like i didn't warn you or the horse you rode in on