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Jul 2015
Tell me butterfly with a broken wing
does it hurt?
I bet it hurts like crazy
'cause you don't wanna move.
'Happened to me once.
So just stay still
it may lessen the pain
I wonder who did this to you
or what happened.
It doesn't matter,
I perfectly understand
but here in my hands
I can't let you stay
I have to let you go
butterfly with a broken wing.
I want to keep you forever
because you are lovely
and I do not see you as broken at all
but I know I can't
you might die here and leave me
feeling guilty and lonely.
You don't belong
in this tight space with me
'cause you were meant to fly
you lovely white butterfly
I can never call you mine.
So I'm doing you a favor
granting your very wish
I dont know if you will survive,
if you will or not
I did what is right.
'Cause you should be there in the field
among the flowers
that's the way things should be
it's best for you
and better for me.
Don't forget me
goodbye butterfly with a broken wing,
I pray you heal.
Written by
Pappo  Started dreaming since
(Started dreaming since)   
   ---, --- and Derek Devereaux Smith
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