I notice this harsh fact When one telleth other's truth, They seeketh to not heareth.
And when one telleth other's stuff About how human being's shouldst be And how human's art not, These truth's maketh the human's feeleth insecure... As the beings due to these truths; Tuck away, Hide in a cave. Blinded by wordly knowledge and sight!!!!
The human's hear the truth spoken By the messenger's, And it hits the being's Than all their insecurities arise From those messenger's truthful word's.....
And instead of the being's taking the truth's as honesty, And using those truths to better themselves.. They walk away from them, As tis they did and do their God..
Leaving the truthgivers by themselves Alone....
But fact is The spiritual messenger's don't needeth those being's to stay. Their just sent here to loveth and showeth forgiveness Something the beings of the world hadst forgotten!!! For tis all haveth free will...
And sadly by those being's own will, They blind their own eye's And walketh from truth....
So sad to see.... So sad,
As tis even when the beings hate and mock those messenger's And the crowd all leaveth, The spiritual beings still giveth love to those wordly ones, They still forgive And still giveth truth... Not worrying of men's mockery of them Or disbelief...
For tis the spiritual one's Art ones of love.....
As tis the heavenly angel's Already knoweth man is going to disbelieve, Because Satan hast his deep influence Here on this planet...