Honesty. Love. No longer a battle between, "good and evil" Or, "kind of and definitely." You see it now, the manifestation of the wonder that you are, and the wonder thatΒ Β you possess. It is trying to come to life! It is trying to come to life! It is trying to come to life! Yelling in your head to be heard by someone that will ask you to let it in. Coming out of your eyes to be seen by someone that will ask you to let it in. It's here. The future. The future that you couldn't have planned for. The future that you couldn't have imagined. The future that will be greater than anything that you could have hoped for. It's here. It's here. Welcome it!! See it come through the door, and blind all of those who don't believe. It's you. It's you. It's you. Brighter than any star before you, and brighter than any star after. It's you. Embrace it, love it, live it, become you. Your future awaits, and you owe it to yourself to not keep it waiting much longer.
It's been a long time. I finally had something worth writing about.