startling images of earthquake destruction mangled bodies strewn hitherto charred flesh of orphaned infants lie motionless on the partially uplifted hospital/ monastery floor trying to lift and remove rubble in a desperate attempt to locate the sobbing baby which I can hear, but not see – 34 train cars piled twisted metal sitting in an oil and chemical spill hazmat teams stare blankly at the massive carnage overwhelmed by the mayhem and poisoned by their presence within hours the first responders have passed, the last moments.. chocking and gurgling on their own blood creeping up from internal damage – wide-eyed militants stand armed at the entrances to FEMA camps angrily shouting and pushing American citizens into places of detainment while laughing about failed democracy – night after night I wake from terrible dreams…. Mt. Hood major eruption ending Portland and impacting the Columbia, Juan De Fucca slippage Oregon and Washington coastline in shambles thousands dead and bodies lost, rogue asteroid smashing headlong into the Atlantic seaboard leaving near ½ of our 308 million washed away like the Atlanteans or the Egyptian Kings of old, sweat coated sheets have become the norm…. nightly visitations of misshapen faces poking and prodding, looking at the Cascades as harbingers of radioactive derbies and witnessing the physical decline of its natural inhabitants, the ever propagandized deadly threat of extremists bent on killing innocents, my tired eyes only wish for peace – It is not kosher to refer to oneself as a prophet or seer or the future, but those of you who choose to blindly accept that everything remains the same will only be remembered through songs and tales yet unwritten –