She was a little girl With the BRIGHTEST future; And how could it not be so With dreams so big And true love out there Waiting to save her, To tell her, "It's you. It could only be you"
She was a young girl With HOPE so strong That it erased most of the pain And the rest she gathered And saved as fuel For the grand voyage of self she would embark upon any day
She was a girl Transformed by CHANGE Re-learning truths on her own Labeling the wrong passions as beauty Her tank overflowing with fuel, She lit a match And burned white for many years
She was a young woman Broken by REALITY Avoiding mirrors and clarity of mind Whispering to herself, "this is the end" Until she had one foot over that line And heard the hope, the dreams, her future- screaming "We are not burned away."
She is a woman Who FOUGHT for a new dream And became her own cause And while parts of her will always be singed Now there is someone who tells her: "It's is you, it could only be you." But she already knows that.