Days like today were days when I knew nostalgia Was just a fancy word for revenge Today felt like it should have belonged in a summer a year and a half ago One that belonged to him and I together
It felt as if I should be over at his house, sitting in his basement, A foot and a half apart on the couch playing Black Ops Me jokingly Him sarcastically
It felt like a day when we should have been pressed up tight On his piano bench, him laughing at my aversion to playing in front of him Laughing because he hauled the piano all the way from his room Because I wanted to play and we weren't allowed alone near his bed
It felt like a day that we should have been heard from the back of his yard The sky endless before us, the same as his eyes A blue expanse of settling sun and waking moon A sky with laughter in it's deepest reaches
It felt like a day where he would be laughing at my smile Grinning at me with a crooked hitch in the corner And I would be blushing back and giggling like chimes Both of us brushing our arms together as means of making sure we were real
And both of us looking Looking at each other and living and breathing and being.