letter to the night : child of the night I am not. Letter to my parents.. you could say and can say a lot about me but you cannot say I was never truthful to what you taught me, you can never ever say i went against anything you stood for. A rebel I am, but with a cause. You'd like me to be infront of you wallowing in whatever feeling consumes me at that moment, you want me infront of you but the girl you're seeing is not who she is, me sitting there and trying to make you happy while I slowly pull the trigger to the gun in my hand.
You know not what kills me but you spew demands about where I should or should not be. You don't know the cause of it all yet you persist on controlling a child you do not know. **** what the doctors say, you do not listen anyway, I am sick we know that, that's fine ? Why am I sick? Have you asked yourself that question ? No you have not yet you have the audacity to sit there and conjure up ideas about what I may or may not be doing. ASK ME , I will tell you the truth and nothing else but it.
You do not know me, seventeen years living and you do not know me. How do you feel about not knowing a thing about the child you birthed ? Tell me please because I'm sitting here , July fourth at 1:50 am trying to figure out who I am , tear stained eyes , hitching breaths, rocking back and forth and everything. You do not know me. You do not know me. You do not know me.
Ask me who I am and on a journey we will embark, what lies ahead ? I hope you're ready.