******'s a word that can be used as a sword and once the pots stirred our vision is blurred
They say it's so filthy it should never be said and when it comes out folks go out of their head said in hate by a white man he could end up dead but if never discussed we'll not move ahead
Hiding it only gives it more power a strength that keeps growing with each passing hour but today our society shrinks back and cowers with a political correctness that they view as a flower
Hid behind its first letter an N some cannot even write it not even in pen but the insult of ****** will ne'er see an end if it's never discussed by mature adult men
See the racist gets taught when he's really small by childish men who think they stand tall harboring prejudice and hate that is always on call and they practice that bigotry without ever a stall
When will we grow up will we ever learn if we keep hiding the issue we will inevitably burn