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Jul 2015
Struck by a stranger beauty
          ignored but not forgotten
          ignored but can't deny
the time made way to thee
seeking to hide in friendly wise
the heart so full of hardihood
        ignored but not forgotten
the wall of faithfulness was tall enough
to conceal this feelings for thee
my heart, mind and soul clashes once again
           ignored but can't deny
His words to me are concrete, yet
your lovely eyes weakens it
inner battle has started ego vs super ego
           ignored but can't deny
heart beats fast but must slowdown
fade far away, disintegrate and melt
this wicked feeling of mine reminds me
of a dead man i was before that
has been save and made alive
            must forgot but I won't deny
I will never forget those lovely eyes
Jeff T
Written by
Jeff T  Davao city
(Davao city)   
   NV and ERA
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