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Jul 2015
you. my thoughts are always about you. every single day. and i can't stop it. here i am just thinking about everything. i can't sleep and it's times like this when i wish you were here. i miss sleeping with you. just being able to lay with you and talk until we both fell asleep. it's what i miss the most. it was the only thing about our relationship that felt...normal. like you were actually right here next to me. you just had a way of making it feel like you were really here when in reality you were a world away. your voice by my side all night was enough to make me feel safe and at ease for once in my life. a feeling i can't even remember. i don't even remember what you sound like now, how sad is that? ****...i just want to stop thinking for awhile. i'm so tired.
Written by
Becca  24/California
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