I’m trying to find substance in something that’s transparent But it seems to elude me before I get the chance Like the wind, It comes and goes as it pleases And leaves its mark on the hearts of men Uncertainty fills their mind as they attempt to remember when they were consumed by it's affliction and what it's done to them.
the memory flies by quick but in the moment its timeless its the simple things that make it all worth it but in the end those are the hardest to remember what was it that i was feeling? and when can i feel it again? because like a drug im addicted to the amount of satisification it brings better yet i guess i'm addicted to the kinda person she is
love has no defination so even if i cant tell you what it is exactly let me descibe it in my words... it's wanting to wake up next to you to catch you at your most peaceful its having you by my side with interlocking fingers exploring the world its being stingy and incredibily unreasonable about the time you spent without me its something you never expected but a feeling you never want to go away. its letting go even you dont want to its discovering that they mean more to you than u thought.