who lights fires who's smoke fills the slow ticking house resting on its grass stained elbow gnawing at the apples branches in the can't be ****** orchards once I burned in a yellow room of vases and dreamt of naked canaries with curtains pulled away from tug of war ocean It was too much to conceal and I fell into the secrets of bridges, the sacrifices of hedges that are ghostly in carparks, that are the moons dandelions that are nothing to everyone that pulled speakers from ribbed cages and trampled on the curves of their ***-doll music, flattened their supermarket haze into the bickering cages of their stabbed backed rooms I flowered beneath the sickest of suns, became strong and unrecognisable for awhile but I recognised myself in the final chapters of these just begun pages and suddenly I could speak again I was no longer nervous I carried you through the coldest of places we threw the stars back to their homes.