See Nasrudin is in the streets he rides his donkey; and see, the people are in the streets and the men and women point to Nasrudin and they laugh; and the children run behind Nasrudin's donkey and they roll in the sand and they laugh at Donkey; and the youth throw some old cups at Nasrudin's donkey and they laugh
and see Nasrudin sees all this and he says to them: *Yes, you may see the humor; but I don't think you see the irony
I was going to go off after the last poem on Nasrudin...but one more had to be the donkey took me back here; I was compelled...but now with this done, I must go...will ride back in mid-October...O donkey, we must go; there's work to be done, you know...not as creative as writing a poem, but it must be done - otherwise, how are we going to eat? So....let's go...and let's don't ride back here till the uninspiring work is done....