Everything reminds me of you. I cannot even gaze upon the sky because there lies our star, the brightest of them all. But she looks to be fading and that's the scariest realization. I want to tell you how I can't stop thinking of how much I love you. How I wish I could make it go away but things do not work that sweetly. I want to tell you that looking at our star I'm reminded of how you calmed me down by explaining how you loved all the annoying little trinkets I left behind. How I loved when you whispered to me "everything little thing is going to be alright". How I hate that saying goodbye to you has to be our last memory and how it was still the most terrifying task I've ever gone through. Mostly I want to tell you how badly I wish I could get loving you out of my head. Then again making love is something I always wanted to hold onto with you. But God, your sweet lips and when our gazes met in the midst, it haunts this troubled mind all the day long.