Am I the girl with the shiny curls All tangled and unaware? Of the real world I reign With no inhibitions Only love and what feels right
Doesn’t she feel like she’s flying? Like she’s floating, like there’s no wind To resist the pain of feeling What this world has to give
She thinks she knows this world All is light, just light that sweeps her cheeks Flushed pink with youth All is wind, just gusts That brush her hair for her All is effortless, effortlessly Beginning and ending And beginning again Does she wonder about the rest? Aspiring to slip through to find what lies ahead Yes But ask if she’s knows of the real hurt And she’d confidently utter The truth she thought she knew
We are taught by the trusted, Swept under their wings, Atop their earth It is bliss and nothing else is known, All else is shielded With armor of might and mail
So I go one day After the wing is lifted And this world, this world of mine This world of mine I thought I knew Is not that world at all Dancing past swinging doors With air that forces her, She turns but there’s no turning back The doors have been closed on the past She accepts the truth of fleeting youth And letting down her hair Shoes of pink satin are now deeply rooted But not in ground of fertile touch But in piles of unstable sands
Sinking, falling no! Please let her out
“I’m okay, I’m surviving,” She utters the words through someone else’s tongue They roll past her teeth falsely
Walk impassively, she thinks Kiss the breath of the ****** But why?
Why walk being led by unfamiliar feet? Why run past a group of truth? Why wish for what’s not truly wished? Why not listen? Why not listen to your own cherubic voice, Innocent pitch and sweet intentions Why not trust? Use the trust that’s kindly offered often Why tangle in senseless strings? It’s petty and lacks virtue Why?
Because she’s alive We’re alive and we live and we die And travels prove arduous
And she’s little In a little body, little is contained Little wants to be contained
Growth Growth in a body brings growth to the mind, Seeps up the spine and I know
So it takes some time To fill the mind And time also carries pain All in all, you can’t just call the name It calls you, it reckons you And it stabs you till you’re almost At your end But it’s funny It never quite hurts you enough To knock you down completely It rests inside
So now she stands tall Stoic like the Chief that’s In my blood
Wrapped in that petticoat With polka dots and A pair of red shoes
It took some time, granted Tumbling a bit every moment Standing up
Regret? Yeah She peers through the window That cannot be shattered To stop; omit all Try, she tries and tries but
She can’t She amazes herself though Every time those strings are strummed Or every time her senses are numbed From all the petty rest
She knows a lot, But not at all But what beauty lies In the potential To bring herself up Just to fall again and again Every fall holds strength To begin all over