When did i first start to like you we met at orientation for such a select program the best of the state i thought you not you i thought you were one of the cool students the center but I started talking to you and you were nice and then we left each other then i I I I contacted you why I'm not sure I kinda thought this would happen but that is for later it was casual convo but you were already hurting me as much as everyone else did that usually takes at least a month but with you it was so much quicker I'm not sure why then we met again in person I'm too nervous to talk to you for long so it was infrequent but then I realized I'm more sociable than you I really hope thats true so we slowly started hanging out more this isn't some ****** love story you are nervous for exams I'm not I'm joking around because I'm an ******* like that i say something to you i just want you to ******* laugh again and i never thought you'd get angry at me you said its fine but now that exams are coming i cant talk to you until next week and my ******* problems wont le me sleep i keep on thinking of you