And the beat drops me alone It drops It drops It drops And it echoes In this tight space Full of my belongings Screaming solitude sigh And that echoes too Matching with the rhythm Of the bass Trying to escape from the speakers. Like I'm trying to escape From this solitude From these people And like that ******* bass I can't escape I'm not equipped to escape I can't be let out there. Alone. Even with people I can't do it. I don't know what I'm doing Or what I want But I know I'm hurt And I can't tell you where And I'm not sure I can tell you why But I know that as long as I have this Playing in the background Overpowering my senses Itching it's way into my scalp I can forget. I can forget. I can lose myself in it And forget the hurt And forget the confusion And forget everything As long as I have this **music