The fuzzy hug that never loosens its grasp Clutching as a barbed wire hugs and puppies cuddle and love, whiskers and noses nuzzling, the straitjacket loves your mind, wishes it could just squeeze the nightmares out and streaming as juices from an orange, but its might only pressurizes, the more you fight the more you hurt, bruising our precious straitjacket heart, he’s here to help us take the tasks of fettering hands just to hug and coil about us Learn to love them, the society blanket, the crazy snuggler, the bunny constrictor Crazy’s not useful and our little straitjacket cures our woes strangling us within linen cotton folds simmer our fires breaking our bronc hushing our tantrum cry It’s the mother we Learn to love Kin that keeps us in heavenly grip The Straitjacket’s here for all our insanists