If I had a dollar for every time someone said that they just wanted to forget,
I would have so much money, and it wouldn't even be funny in the the slightest.
Well, not for me, anyway.
See, I'd have tons of money and everyone else still would really want to forget.
But they would never realize
That, of course I still remember every single little detail of it all.
Yes, I still remember
What it was like to cry until everything somehow worked itself
Just hoping, wishing, wanting
For something better to come along and make everything settle itself down.
My problem is really that I don’t care to have anything in my entire life forgotten
Because everything changed me for good, even if it was really something quite rotten.
Sure, I’ve had some things I’d
Really truly like to not have follow me around for a long time
Yet, there are so many other
Goals, dreams, wishes, and aspirations that I hold near and dear.
Systematically, if I change one little thing
All others will somehow change themselves as well, almost like magic.
Problem ends up being,
As it seems to be every single time this happens,
That the issue really is picking the right thing to alter.
Surely I could pick anything that I wanted
And just wait and see what happens to me
Just wish upon a shooting star in the night sky
For everything to somehow transform for the better
It likely won’t happen to me
But the fun isn’t in it happening
The fun is in getting to dream about the future
About what might be
About what could happen with one little difference
I could become someone else
And become delighted with this new life of mine
Or, I could become another
Who is everything bad about myself brought out tenfold.
Either way,
As far as I am really concerned
No matter what happens with an alteration
Whatever may come my way
Anything, absolutely anything
Is preferable to this insanity that encircles me daily.
See, I could have a dollar for everything that people wish to forget
And I may come up with a sizable chunk of dough to spend to my heart’s content
But I would rather have (as it is to my advantage to do so)
A dollar for everything that I have managed to remember all these years
Because then, as sad as many of those memories may be,
As many as I should really long to forget about and
Just give in and leave behind
Would be all the memories that made me who I am currently.
Then I would have enough in my pocket to create something to go back in time.