Can you give me one look of recognition Just one kind word, how about a statement- yes I believe in you.
Your not so young dad, like that old dog fixed in your ways, you are still my papa bear will I ever be your shiny perfect girl?
your eyes so proud color now darken with distain your voice is heavy and your words hindering making my heart break
i know you do not understand the choices that I make this is my life dad for me there is no other way
I’m good at a lot of things most I learned from you I can make them laugh dad, tell a story like the truth, I can build things with my hands yes I am just like you
I could write the sweetest words or words to take your breath, I can get real angry, wound you to the core yeah dad I’m just as passionate about writing as you are about your sword.
I love- love women and things your mind will never except but for me, I just simply cannot go back you did however make me miss a step this is where I’m different I’m not afraid of heights or the fall dad, I can get back up I have learned to stand on my own