so yesterday. they told me about this thing- -ADD. it's -weird. -people who have it are weird they told me i've got it; i'm weird. i don't feel weird or at least- i didnt 'till yesterday but i'm the same as i've always been
it's complicated. i'm not hyper (or stupid or lazylike i've always though i was) it's called 'inatten tive' adhd
thetruthisI'mnormal but i forget stuff but i can't concentrate but i can't study and i zone out and i daydream and it all sounds so normal.
but i wish it were a matter of willpower and getting organised and getting my **** together like my parents tell me to.
wish i could convince them it's not some alien religion i'm not stupid or lazy or- "what the hell is adhd. that's just an excuse getyourshit together."