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Aug 2011
And as I sit the wind blows
Gently through my hair
When I come to the realization
That we're the perfect pair.

"A match made in Heaven"
Would be too cliché to say
So would "Everlasting love"
So I'll try another way-

Your smiles are bright and golden
At the sound of my voice
I have to say my dear
There really was no choice.

You had me from the beginning
If that's not too cliché to say
But today is something different
A new chapter on the page.

Our lives have intertwined
Into something that can't be undone
And as I say those three little words
I feel they weigh a ton.

Carry them with you
Wherever you may go
And with this you will remember
That you will never be alone.

Yes, these feelings may seem cheesy
And they may seem a little cliché
But I know of no other person
That I'd rather be with today.
Written by
Anthony Sexton
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