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Aug 2011
On days like today my world is good and I am at peace in my own skin... this skin...this home, the only one I can truely call my own- and this flesh that made my stomache turn, once worn and hated by the child it covered, a blanket to hide my shame, that guilt and despair, empty promises- broken dreams, now seems like a distant memory...

It's all current, a constant emotion, that tug of war with past, present, future... but today... I love myself, I see my good and I have walked with my dark holding it's hand... my light shines on. Anything I want will be mine, anything I need will be had, my heart has healed and my eye's are open, everything I do from this moment on will be done with a passion, that will not succume. I walk towards my goals, never settling, giving my all until it's got...

Feet guide me, eye's see beyond lies spoken by the sweetest lips, voice speek steady, staying true to myself and skin... this skin I call my own... yes skin protect me from any lover's touch that might scorch my flesh or burn my heart. I live in this skin, and in it's foundation of flesh and words I find strength in myself.
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