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Aug 2011
"Went into gods housse saw the light and walked right out, went into gods house, its more fun in the dark house" (singing)

From the age of 6 to 12 she danced your dance and learned your tricks. You see a child does not understand when you steal its innocenes, but after all thats the point to make it her fault and to take away her self worth. I remember waking to see him standing over her, exsposed and when he was done defiling her body he forced her to the grownd and on her knees to pray for her sin, to pray for her sin. Her eyes filled up with hate and tears, but she swallowed and pushed them down, and began to say her prayer.
"Father in heaven help me from tempting men, drive out my deamons and take away my beauty. Father make me clean, father make me clean, make me clean..."

When he left I looked in her eyes to see that she believed it was her fault, that she was some how responceable for the pain he was inflicting. I went to her and scooped her in my arms, held her to my chest. I tried to find the words to say, but there was nothing I could do except hold her in my arms while she cried. Blood stained tears rolled down her cheek to forever stain my heart. She made me promise not to tell, a promise I kept at the age of 12, I never told a soul of what I knew. We talked all night of how some day she would fly away.

A week later she was found, her body ravaged, beaten, smelling of copper and ***. I lost my faith that day. You see, she said that prayer for 6 yrs and beged so many for help that never came, help nver came. A girl of 12 who's only dream was to fly, help never came. So many before and after have danced her dance and help never came, justice never found.

"Went into gods house saw the light and walked right out, went into gods house its more fun in the dark house" (singing)
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