I remember We talked every day We shared about our lives We shared about our families We shared about our dreams
I remember We talked every day We shared our plans for world ******* We shared our plans for our lives We shared our plans for the school
I remember We talked every day We shared our triumphs and failures We shared our wins and losses We shared our sicknesses and health
I remember We talked every day I wish i could make things easier for you Everything will be fine I wish i could buy you a new body
I remember We didnt talk for a month I ran out of time to make things easier for you
I remember We didnt talk for a month I ran out of time to make everything fine
I remember We didnt talk for a month I ran out of time to buy you a new body
I remember Your throat closed I remember Tears sliding down my face I remember Nothing from that school day I remember I had talked to you only a few hours before I remember It took a month to find you were gone I remember Your obituary
Age: 19 Died in hospital from Asthma related complications. I miss you Aiggy.