I watched something simple go deep within your soul to the place where the seeds of fairness grow you kneeled upon the ground as I gazed with eyes of stone your fingers dug the earth, watching with utter curiosity as you counted the seeds you stole All's fair in love 'n war, or so I am told But I just watched you plant these seeds And I have seen where they have been sown You made it seem to the outside world that these seeds were randomly strewn As if a wind had blown across the plane and had blown these seeds away As if hungry birds returning to their nests and had spilled some along the way But I know Because I saw where they were placed cleverly paced, precisely spaced interlaced yet you are unfazed and I discovered why for your 'kindness' isn't kind but is just bread crumbs to be retraced Hanzel and Gretel's trail of bad taste All so you can point back one day and rub it in someones face But I'll keep your secret to myself dark and all alone because if I show this to someone else I'll just be called paranoid and a crone Just know that one day when your face is smiling and your picture being shown I'll make sure that you can see what I hold deep inside by reciting this little poem
I watched something simple go deep within your soul to the place where the seeds of fairness grow And I saw what you stole