I may walk among the Lilly of the valley And see the roses growing by the stream It's so strange to watch the weeping willow as it droops I wonder what are its thoughts and dreams?
I hear the birds call to each other As they build their nests and prepare the young to feed It is sad to know there are those that don't live on Their feathers the only thing left to see
I watch the bees around the pond And I wonder how they survived before I placed it there They flock to the water and drink their fill I see a need that I am glad to fulfill
I feel the things that surround me And I sense the life of every plant and tree I hear the sounds of people passing as the world goes by But they are distant and lost to me
Their human nature holds no virtue The time lapses into seconds and minutes as they pursue Those worldly things so filled with importance I think the time for reflection is overdue