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Aug 2011
i've been wondering lately why i haven't been on the level
my world seems tilted and uneasy at each turn
there has been something missing from my life, and it's you

the pounding on the hardwood floor directly in tune with the beat
my foot stomping along
the bass with an infectious tone and vibration
better than any lover i have ever encountered
your voice is raspy and your words are strong

this is the point where i nearly lose my balance
as the crowd pushes in on me rushing toward the stage
for a moment i forgot we weren't alone
once i realize the room is full it hits me again
i'm taken back to the center stage and there you stand
we are one. the crowd, you and i.

it's a flicker in time when i know that we are all on the same page
i put my arms around the two people next to me
we are now singing and swaying, stomping and stumbling
there is nothing like it in the world.
people call me crazy, but you were my first love.
Written by
Sarah Mae
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