I could sit here and write forever And tell you of all the things I could think of But the simple truth is I have no idea Of what exactly I should write here
A simple poem of how I feel? Or maybe a song of what's real Either way I could not find the words Those slippery things that dance in front of my eyes But turn to mist as I try to grasp them
It temps me to write lies Of all the things I see through my days Yet somehow I cannot bring myself to do such a thing Maybe it's because I do not wish to ruin the perfect Although I am doubtful, I believe this is a dream
Yes, perhaps I shall tell you of my dreams The swirling substance of make-believe that engulfs us while dozing Long ago I taught myself not to imagine Falling from the sorrow of trusting once too many For a while, reality was the safest
I have grown so much stronger since then Finally longing for what I once stole from myself Prepared to take on the whole world and beyond Though all I can do is look through the window you fashioned me Wishing for a time gone past
Mayhaps I could tell you what I wish for Sad thing there, because I do not understand I wish for the trees and the land, the water and the beasts Its all here, if only you look hard enough But why must we search for something so sweet and pure?
I will take you outside one night We shall stare at the stars until sunrise! The wind should be warm if dares to caress your face Lush grass pillowing our bodies against the hard ground Is this what is considered a dream?
I remember a time when despair was my closest friend Those days are gone now, to never come again Be banished from me with your foul breath! You shan't poison me with your lies once more No, I have not found the truth, but I have found a new beginning
Ah, at last I am back from my journey Joy rises in me as music slowly drizzles in the air Come and dance, it whispers sweetly towards me The music of life I can hear once again Lifts me up into the sky as I dance upon its tune
So it seems I can write once more Not only that, but new words are in abundance Drawing me back into the world of creation It feels good to be home again Bringing a gift called Joy to decorate with